Gail Jacob has worked for 40 years to create innovative community supports for people with developmental disabilities. She was the founding director of Options in Community Living in Madison, WI; the first model program in North America to support people with all levels of disability in their own homes and on their own terms.
Gail has been involved in projects aimed to support people with Autism and other sensory and movement differences, partnering with people with disabilities, families, nonprofits, school systems, local and state governments and universities to develop programs and policies that support self-determination and citizenship in community-based settings.
Over the past decade, Gail has been a leader in bringing social technologies, such as Theory U and Art of Hosting, to Madison as tools for building inclusive communities and grass roots leadership. She is also a talented fiber artist.
Gail is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and received her Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in social work from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.